Facebook update: more reasons to ensure you’re smashing it on mobile.

We all know the many reasons why mobile is head honcho when we’re talking about a captive audience (if you don’t, then thanks for joining us). This is especially true in social media. Facebook’s traffic is predominantly mobile, so the next update could adversely affect your business if your mobile site isn’t pulling its weight.

Is your site mobile optimised? If not, I would seriously recommend looking at your traffic data and see what the drop-off rate is like from mobile vs. desktop. It’s crucial in this day and age to have a fully mobile-optimised site.

If you’ve already got your mobile site looking stylish and your customer journey is smooth, have you looked at how quickly your mobile site loads?

Facebook have announced today that an update to the News Feed will show more stories that load quickly on mobile and fewer stories that take longer to load. Given the already competitive landscape where ads are competing against thousands of others for limited space, it’s essential you do everything you can to be in that space.

At Trapeze Media, we don’t see this having an immediate impact — at least, nothing groundbreaking. However, these things tend to snowball, so act now and save money later.

We LOVE talking mobile, data, and optimisation, so if you want to chat anything through with us, give us a call or drop us an email.

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